Nail art

Zoya Sooki + Raven gradient

Hi, everyone! It’s Monday again. The kids start school in a couple weeks, so today is our first day of getting back into the routine. Wish me luck, because this whole getting-up-early thing is not my forte! Anyway, on to the polish!

Zoya Sooki + Raven gradient

I started this with a base of one coat of Zoya Sooki, a perfect cherry red squishy creme. I topped it with two coats of a gradient of Sooki and Zoya Raven. The tips required a third coat of Raven, but that was due more to uneven application on my part rather than any fault of the polish itself.

I have to be honest, this might be my least favorite gradient I’ve ever done. I didn’t keep the black as close to the tips as I wanted, and the colors didn’t really blend that well. I might have been better off using a darker shade of red between Sooki and Raven to help with the transition. It probably didn’t help my disappointment that I dented my index finger (you can see the wrinkling in the photo where I tried to fix it). Ah, well, I’ll keep those issues in mind for my next attempt!

That’s all for today! Thanks for looking!

10 thoughts on “Zoya Sooki + Raven gradient

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